"Exclusive use of Amtrack Schemes"

Perhaps it is a sign of the times, but I dont have to like it.
The “exclusive” use of any representation of a prototype for a model is to me the sounding of the death-knell of the hobby itself.
Will I now have to create “private road names” for everything zi produce at home?
An I know that for longer than my 53 years model and toy train manufacturers have been licensing everything from a Roy Rodgers Boot Mug, to a “Toy Story” train… but please. I see in this the further moving of our great hobby (truly the World’s Greatest) from the universality it once enjoyed to the province of grandfathers with well stocked wallets (I hope my wife isn’t reading this). people like me.
I once loved Baseball, and went to games regularly. I watch one occasionally on the television now. Priced out of the 3Com parks and the Enron stadiums. And while I love my Walthers catalogs and buy to excess when I can get away with it (Wife again) I am finding Plastic nearing brass for price.
Doug Polhamius,
Trolley Buff and Cubs Fan.