Expo Line Opens!

I took this photo at the Jefferson Street Station next to USC today. Metro’s running three car trains all day on the line and they’ve got good crowds on board.

If you’re in L.A. this weekend service is free.

http://cs.trains.com/TRCCS/themes/trc/utility/[Expo Line train on April 28th, Train is leaving Jefferson Station going westbound(http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s36/IU82/th_IphonePhotos4-28-12103.jpg):550:0]

Now the line is complete; the Farmdale and Culver City stations just opened on June 20. Metro Rail has finally reached the Westside! Some Culver City residents have even said, “We are now Downtown LA adjacent!” I’m planning to ride the line to Culver City later today.

Lets see how long it takes to connect to Santa Monica Pier, its ultimate destination, betcha its done before they turn the first shovel on the subway extension.

The Expo line is proof that almost ALL transit line should be at grade or elevated here in LA, we have the good weather for it and we are spread out enough to accomodate it, it’s faster, cheaper and gets people out of their cars faster when they can see the alternative to traffic, but I dont get to make those decisions so we’ll see how long the “Subway to the Sea” (or within a couple miles of the sea) takes to get built. [;)]