I’m looking for ideas from the community on what I could do with 2 extra feet added to one end of the layout known as “The Virginian” (See MR Link below). This would effectivly make the layout a 4x10 foot for the main segment. Again, I am looking for ideas. I plan on starting this porject early in September for my home.
The Virginian Track Plan MR 2012
I will be doing my own twist on things. This layout will be that of the C&O in the Fall of 1955-1960.
I appreaciate your input. Thank you,
The Turtle Creek extension shown with the trackplan could be reconfigured by turning it 90 degrees, instead of coming straight off th end of the branch. Alternatively, some other industry could be served ther instead of a coal mine with the same track confuguration or something similar. There’s not really enough room on a 2x4’ extension to add a credible runaround track in HO, but the one at Green Hill can serve.
Can’t help with the extra space issue, but wanted to let you know a while back there was an active thread on this forum by a few guys who documented the process of building their own “The Virginian” layouts. If you’re building a layout based on “The Virginian” you might be interested in checking it out. Here is the link:
Thanks for the input I appreciate it!
Heading over to the link now to check it out. Thank you!