Does anyone know the screw size for Old Athearn Blue Box Kits? I have some that are missing screws and need replacments. Nothing at my local harward stores re small enough. I`m guessing they are either 2-56 or 3-48 but before I order a couple of hundred it sure would be nice to know the right size.
The screws that attach the trucks are 2-56. Check out McMaster Carr’s website. They are an industrial supplier. Their shipping is fast and reasonable and you can buy 100 srews for less than ten bucks.
They are 2-56. But Athearn used several lengths on different cars. Anywhere from 1/4" to 1/2". Hoppers and tank cars may be longer than box cars or flats. Look at this site,
i bought a bunch of brass screws from micro fasteners online and was very happy with the deal.
might i suggest that you buy the longer screws and then cut them down to size. i use an old steel floor weight with the proper size tapped holes in it and run the screw into the appropriate hole and then snip it off to the desired length. when i back the screw out, the steel threads in the floor weight restore the threads on the brass screw. a stainless steel nut will accomplish the same thing.
Thanks for your guys. I was already planning on getting longer ones then I really need. Thinking I could either let the extra lenght stick inside some cars (boxcars, tanks, covered hopper) or cut down the screws for flats and coal cars.
Thanks for your help guys. I was already planning on getting longer ones then I really need. Thinking I could either let the extra lenght stick inside some cars (boxcars, tanks, covered hopper) or cut down the screws for flats and coal cars.
Just don’t use your rail nippers to cut them off. I have a pair of heavier wire cutters I use to clip the piano wire for my turnout motors that I use for things like clipping even brass screws. Clipping the piano wire will eventually groove even the hardened cutters but better those than the more precise (and expensive) rail nippers. A Dremel cutoff wheel would also work, although frankly those things scare me, even with eye protection if a piece flies off and hits you elsewhere it’s not exactly pain free.
There are also different head diameters for those phillips 2/56 pan heads. If you use the smaller, there may not be sufficient shoulder to hold the truck on firmly enough.
I second checking out McMaster-Carr’s website. I work for them and every day I see something else that i want to buy! Just last week i picked up some 2-56 screws, of course they were too short, but i can always get the correct length from them. The place just amazes me, i strongly recommend just checking out their page even of you do not buy anything from them!