EZ Track and Roadbed

I am using Bachman EZ Track. I also have Woodland Scenic roadbed. Would there be any advantange to putting down the roadbed with EZ Track on top or am I just wasting time and money? N Scale layout.



EZ track is track on top of plastic roadbed so adding the Scenic Roadbed would be redundant. You can just lay your EZ track and ballast it later if you desire. See the following thread: http://cs.trains.com/mrr/f/11/p/185207/2388333.aspx#2388333


Thanks and I should have asked before but since the EZ track is going down permanently what type of glue should I use. The track is going to be sitting on Woodlands plaster.


I’m not sure what you mean here. What exactly is the sub-roadbed?


Its EZ track that will be glued permanently in place. I have risers and inclines that are covered with the plaster cloth and am not sure the best method to secure the track in place.

As I understand it you have a sub-roadbed of wood (?) that is covered with plaster cloth. I think that your best bet would be to use latex caulk to glue down your EZ track. If the plaster cloth is firmly attached to the sub- roadbed you should be OK. It would have been better to not cover the sub-roadbed with plaster cloth but it’s already done.



Just my two, cent’s worth, I hope you are not going to have, a lot of kinked joints, when you glue that EZ Track down… Sounds to me that,You are setting yourself up for problem’s down the road…



I personally think it redundant to use a roadbed when you have one attached to the tracks. YOU COULD ballast a LITTLE at the edges to make the plastic ballast blend to scenery…

I suggest you try the latex caulk to secure the track also.

I did NOT use plaster cloth over my WS inclines I just used the caullk to secure it {and the foam roadbed} to the foam of the layout table top.

IF you use the caulk method, it will be easy to “rip up” {pry up carefully} the track should you need to in the future.

My only issue is that you get a caulk that is latex and will adhere to your plaster and the plastic of the roadbed already attached to your track.

The built in roadbed WILL help if you have inconsistancies in your plasterwork that would cause derailments.

I thicker bead will be needed to reach up into the recessof the cavity of the plastic roadbed, but should be very easy to se the caulk mehtod.

HAve fun


If you are intent to use the Easy track or have a considerable amount already and really feel you must use it, I would only secure it on the solid flat portions of the layout (caulked/ glued to the base foam or plywood). The sectional track will restrict the trackplan somewhat but if satisfied w/ it’s running qualities that’s fine. I would however transition to flex for and grades and/ or any other special trackwork to satisfy your needs. The transition should be done on the flat well before the grade transition. Shimming w/ ply or placing a roadbed under the flex @ the transition. You also may end up w/ a better yard ladder and yard trackage to change to flex there as well. Far more options for turnouts and track cutting to fit turnouts. track separation etc.