I have a NYC coal tender for a 4-8-2 #3058 12 wheel , on the box is a label : W/COAL LOAD F/P?, Can anyone tell me what F/P? means. I posted this on TRAINS.it was not posted, I got email that it didn’t belong there and was being moved, nothing more was done, so I will try again, maybe it means something sinister, any help out there??? thanks
I’ll hazard a guess: Fully Painted (?)
or Flimsy Plastic (?)
Factory Painted. As opposed to unpainted brass…
My guess is Factory Painted.
Don Z.
I think the “P” stands for “poor”; you can make a WAG as to what the “F” stands for.
Actually, it stand for “Fully Plumbed” in case you want to build your layout in the bathtub!