I am just messing around with my Athearn F7’s and since I put close coupler conversions on them they look much better.
I decided to experiment with creating my own diaphrams and found that Woodland Scenics HO foam roadbed is exactly the right thickness to put in between the locos. (1 piece on each)
Doesn’t look too bad, and works good on 18 & 22 inch radius. However, I can’t seem to find clear photos that show what color these were on UP and SF locos.
Any help appreciated.
I’m not exactly sure but I would think that UP would have a Medium Grey and SF would be dark grey or black… don’t quote me on that because I am not exactly sure… maybe you could email the companies to find out some historical info on it.
IIRC, the diaphragms on the ATSF Warbonnet F-units were silver - the same as the body paint. They painted anything that wasn’t part of the warbonnet itself silver.
Thanks, I’ll try silver paint on the SF’s and gray on the UP’s and see how they turn out. If they do, I’ll post some pics.
I have rearched on the detail of my atheran UP F-7 & found out that the diaphrams
on the UP’s F-7’s had grey sides & a black insides. The diapharams on the coaches
had varied greys. The model railroader should publish an article on UP’s
F-7 passenger trains.
I’ve used the American Limited heavyweight passenger car diaphragms without the offset piece on my Athearn engines and they really look good. They stay in contact on turns and look like they belong there!
Mark C.
I’ve looked at the American Limited diaphrams. But just for the heck of it, thought I’d try to do some “old time” modeling and make them from scratch. They are only glued on with rubber cement right now, so if I decide to rip them off, no damage done.