
Now that IANR has an F40PH, I’m planning on eventually modeling it.

I know Kato would be the best, but I’m not spending that much (GP38-2s are primery power[:D][:D]).

What would be a better runner, Walthers Trainline F40, or a Spectrum?


Spectrum, hands down. I think the latest run is DCC-ready.

It depends on which Spectrum model you get - there have been several distinctly different ones. Get the latest Spectrum, or the Trainline, not an earlier Spectrum.

Just curious, would an early Spectrum have the split frame as my Spectrum GP30s?

The early Spectrums had problems, especially the in the fact that their proportions were totally wrong, not wrong next to a better model but in fact so wrong that the engine just doesn’t look right when standing alone!

The new Spectrums are good, the Walthers Trainline are good as well. I personally believe that the Trainline model is a better value for your dollar. I have one and it’s not cheap or toy-like (unlike the Trainline GP9M which wasn’t worth much of anything.) The principal flaw I’ve seen in the Trainline model is that the paint is too thick, but if you will be repainting, it’s not a problem at all.


How quiet is the Walthers?
how slow does it run?
How smothly does it accelerate?

I just took a look at the Spectrum and something doesn’t look right. It’s too low to the ground or something. I think I’ll be going with the Walthers.

I did a review of the newer Spectrum F40PH last year. Here’s a link to it.[:D]


I don’t think it’s too low. You may have seen one of the older ones if you looked at it on the Walthers website.

The Spectrum F40’s speed at 12 volts is about 89 scale MPH.

The Walthers Trainline F40PHs actually run pretty smooth and quiet. And they (Trainline in general) hold up to some long-term abuse I’ve found. Good value for the money. Have not had any problem with my newer Spectrum model either, and I have a couple of the Katos.

I have the spectrum and Kato and while the Kato is the best runner the spectrum is cool because of the strobe lights, they make the model alot more interesting. They both run great though, i have never had a trainline F40. I have seen the Kato’s anywhere from 50-75 and the spectrums from 30-50 bucks so they are both affordable.

The mechanics are pretty good on the Walthers model, not as precision perfect as they are in say Kato or Atlas but not bad at all. It’s fairly quiet, not silent but if you want to put sound in it the engine noise won’t drown out the sound speaker at all. Slow speed operation is decient, compairable to Athearn RTR I’d say. Acceleration is quite smooth, that’s actually why I really like this engine it’s a very good commuter engine. It doesn’t have the slam power of an Athearn Genesis or the built in momentum of a Kato, but it runs well and pulls well too. It’s also very reliable, I’ve never had a single problem with mine, and I’ve had it for years.


DSF, I might look at a Spec after all.

METRO, Sounds like a walthers is a good bang for your buck.