fallen flags and rolling stock

I run Rock Island rolling stock on my layout. I currently have been designing and creating some new designs for the Rock Island. I bought some thralls and piggy backs which the Rock never ran. I will post pics later if anyone is intrested. Has anyone else done this if so how popular is it.

Well, Intermountain made a whole bunch of “fantasy heritage” Gevo’s… Everything from C&O times to Conrail.

I have one in Erie Lackawanna paint myself… [:-^]

I just say it’s one my railroad company bought, tacked on the end of NS order when they did the heritage units… And, because they didn’t make it, mine did.

Looks kinda cool with my Erie Heritage unit. (Yes, the real one.) [:D]

And, a somewhat related hobby, Train Simulators, has numerous “fantasy” painted rollingstock and locomotives.

So, I would say it’s kinda popular…

Manufacturer’s frequently decorate rolling stock and engines for railroads that never had them.

Years ago (before Internet) there was quite a letter writing battle over some Penn Central steam locomotive decals by Walthers. With some calling it fraud.

IHC did some GG1’s for roads that never had them.

I have some items decorated for the Maryland & Pennsylvania railroad that the Ma & Pa never had. But it’s fun so why not.



I never understood why Walthers made an E60 in Rock Island and not PRR who had electric engined.