Faller reorganization plan approved

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Faller reorganization plan approved

What a great addition to any layout, city, or country. Why in the world hasn’t an American Mfr. come up with something like this, and Faller, where is the N scale roadway stuff?

I agree, Faller has always had inovative products in areas that other manufactures never dare tread. I would hate to see them go under. Perhaps an American company could partner with them and get the word out about thier products as we sure could use it. The roadway cars and trucks need to be made in American autos/cars and trucks as well and how nice would it be seeing a 1969 mustang or 1958 chevy cruising your layout!

I notice that Tomix are due to bring out an N gauge bus system that looks similar to Faller’s. Maybe they bought the patent rights. Hopefully they’ll improve it, as I was disappointed with the N gauge Faller starter set I bought- the bus goes too fast, and even when the guidance wire is properly installed, the bus can only go round quite wide bends.