favorite railroad

I’ve been HO modeling the GREAT NORTHERN for over 30 years. I’m also a member
of the Great Northern Railway Histroical Society . Ray

Of the transition era Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, and Norfolk and Western.

Southern Railway
Gulf Mobile & Ohio
Louisville & Nashville
Norfolk Western

People, people, the question says “favorite” not favorites. And from the way the survey is worded I presume it means currently running railroads. Because of those things while I like the Belfast & Moosehead Lake, I’m going to have to go for a class 1 carrier and say BNSF.

Amongst modern railroads:
Norfolk Southern, since it runs around here.

Amongst older railroads:
Oh gosh, hard to choose, PRR, NYC, N&W, and B&O. At least.


Now-- BNSF

Old-school-- Southern Pacific


CSX and Amtrak was a hard choice, only reason for CSX is i like freight operations better

Is this suppost to be current railroads only? I did not see anything saying that, so my vote went to Southern Pacific.

Santa Fe
Southern Pacific

The Chesepake and Ohio,and the Western Maryland. I guess to me everytime i turn on the power these like thousands of others still operate are as modern as I care to get,and are as real as any of the giant corperation mega merger railroads left alive today.I think as long as there ars model railroaders Fallen Flags should only be spoken in the future tence.

BNSF, also FRISCO, and MO PAC. danny t

Pennsylvania probably. I love their steam locomotives. The S1, the Q1, the Q2, the T1, the J1, and the Steam Turbine S2 are probably my favorites.

~[8]~ TrainFreak409 ~[8]~

  1. DM&IR
    2)Milwaukee Road
    Those are my favorite railroads.


As anyone who is the least bit intersted in railroads knows, everyone has two favourite railroads: THe BALTIMORE AND OHIO and one other.

The exception to this is, of course, SPFs. There are still many of them around only due to the shortage of doctors willing to perform lobotomies on charity cases. The referenced doctors are working on as many cases as time permits, but there are only so many of them available and the number of cases is large and seems to grow faster than the doctors can perform the lobotomies. There has been discussion on having the referenced lobotomies performed in the various teaching hospitals in the United States.

Oh, my ‘one other’ is the SP. I modelled a fictitous secondary main of it in HO. I have B&O in N. These are the two roads that I rode the most.

Just that Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific!

And BNSF, but mostly MILW!

Clinchfield, C&O, Ma&Pa, DT&I, FEC - probably in that order.