what is your favorite railroad?
Favourite railroad
Canadian Pacific
Favourite Steam Locomotive
K1a 4-8-4 #3100 Canadian Pacific or H1b 4-6-4 2816 Canadian Pacific especially since I’ve been in the cab while she was under steam! Man is it hot in there!
ya, I remember the 2816 when it was still at Steamtown, she is a beatiful engine and I’m happy to see her running
I have to say the Santa Fe. I grew up next to the transcon mainline in northern AZ in Peach Springs, AZ. Located along old Route 66. I also attended Modoc Railroad Academy in Oct.-Nov. of 2001. I worked for 2 years with the Santa Fe Southern Railway in Santa Fe, NM as a Trackman and a Brakeman.
My favorite railroad was the NYC(Big Four and Michigan Central).
My favorite locomotives back in the late forties and early fifties was the 4-6-4 all J series. Which was the one’s that hauled trains from Detroit,Mh to Urbana,Ohio. The streamline passenger trains from Detroit to Chicago(The Mercury).