What is your favorite roadnames in the U.S.?
you can t beat the L+N
What could possibly sound better than Baltimore&Ohio?
Milwaukee Road, of course!
The Pennsylvania…Standard of the World
BN all the way bay. Casacade green rocks!
ACL - Another Cushioned Load
Santa Fe all the way [:D][:D][:D][^][^]
What is seen on Tehachapi Pass after BN/ATSF and SP/DRGW/UP/CNW mergers. as it is my favorite route of the world (and I’m french!). But if should be only one, it should be ATSF just before merger with BN!
Thanks for including Rio Grande in the finalist for favorite roadnames… but, don’t you think it would be better to have a more regional poll? I also like SP, CB&Q, WP, NP, GN, ATSF and virtually any “western US” road… except the UP (those devouring demons!)
Believe it or not it is a combination of my two favorites. Penn Central!
BNSF because it incorporates so many of the greats - CBQ, ATSF, and, shame on me but I can’t remeber exactly, CNW or Great Northen. They once tried to get the Milwaukee too. That would’ve been prefect.
Norfolk Southern[:)]
B & O
Gotta be the MILW aka The Milwaukee Road, theres just a certain nostalgia about those old electrics.
B & O
Chicago & Alton of course!
Common guys CSX is the best railroad in the world! Even though they dont know how to run right they are the best.
Seaboard Coast Line