Favourite type of locomotive

If it runs on rails then i like it

SD-7, SD9, SD24, SD35, Alco RSC2. RSD4/5, anything six axle whether for drag freights, switcher duties (SD-38), or standard manifest freight. especially after photographing brand new fresh out of the factory Frisco SD-38’s on delivery day!

Pity you should have problems with it, Selector. My Niagara (also BLI, #6001, no sound, from their outlet direct at a very nice price!) runs like a charm with a Lok Pilot decoder, although something is squeeling terribly in the siderods (light oil didnt help, I’ll try it with grease next). I too like it being an all-rounder although I have yet to find a picture of it actually pulling a freight. They apparently did pull a lot of mail & express trains. (so that’s my next focus of ebay browsing, getting a string of baggage cars from various railroads)
(re: tenders, I would LOVE to get a centipede 14-wheel tender for my BLI Hudson!)

For modeling, I like the 4 axle Alco RS and C series road switchers.

To take a train down the road in real life: SD40-2s (as long as the doors still close and toliet doesn’t stink [:P])


Well…From the choices listed…I would have to say…Hmmm…



Big, Powerful, Awe-Inspiring…Where’s Tim Allen when you need him?[:p]

Being a PRR fan at heart (even though I’m modeling the B&M at the moment) my choices would be the GG1, the K4 (does a Pacific get any better?), RS1-RS3, and the GP40-2.

I’m in the #4 catigory mostly with modern equiptment but I do love a Santa Fe GP30

2-foot guage Beyer Garret (steam loco) built in 1994 in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. I’ll a photo when I get home from work.

hi hood Southern SD40-2 or a sd70MAC in southern’s Tuxedo.[;)]

Favorites? GP7/9/35/38/38-2/40/40-2.
Alco RS1,RS3,RS11.[:D]
All of my favorite units are 4 wheel general duty locomotives.[;)]

So far E-6 Santa Fe War Bonnet.

But the real quest at this point is a CW 44-9. I dont know why but I feel like I need some.

Cuda Ken

EMD Geeps. Especially the GP38-2 but I like every one from the 7 to the 60M. But EMDs F units were just as good. As well as the SD series.

I’m also a fan of Alco switchers / road switchers.


Gevo series
mp36ph-3c ( yes, the metra/caltrain ones )
4-8-4 northern
4-6-6-4 / 4-8-8-4
F59phi ( A TRUE CALIFORNIA ENGINE – DESIGNED FOR CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED BY ALL, its real nickname is the california engine )

SD 9s (as long as they are SP with the full light package)

SD 40s, 45s, 45Xs, 40T-2 & 45T-2 [#ditto]

SW 1500 MP 15AC [#ditto]
SDL 39
Harriman 2-8-0s with vandy tenders
SP AC-9 2-8-8-4 & AC 4 - 12s 4-8-8-2 cabforwards
F 7s 9s (Espee cialy in black widow paint)
SWs modified for logging ( like Coos Bay & Canfor )

Believe it or not I like GE’s ( U23-b, U30-b, U33-c, U28-c, U33-c, well almost all u boats) and EMD GP and SD’s.


SD45, SD45T-2, SD60M, GP38-2, 8-40B//W Dash 9’s SD70ACe ES44’s…

I think that covers it.


  1. Any narrow gauge shay doing any sort of work.
  2. Any shay doing anything.
  3. Any narrow gauge geared loco doing anything.
  4. Any geared loco doing anything.
  5. Most narrow gauge steam locos doing anything.
  6. Steam locos doing anything.
    That’s what I like. I could care less if it was freight, passenger, mixed or empty.
    I just like steam engines.
    I know next to nothing about them but I like watching them any time anywhere.
    Anyhow that’s my 2 cents.

OOps I almost forgot. The only standard gauge Steam loco I really like is the Pacific. That would be number six and no. 6 would be 7. If you know what I mean.
Other than that it is the list above.

GE B23-7 or 4-axle Dash-8s. ATSF Warbonnet Es. Then SWs, GP38-2, GP50.

No wide cabs, no Amtrak fuglies like the current PH-whatevers.

Shays,GPs,SW switchers,F-7A&Bs and of course THE BIGBOY and my most fav loco is my Mantua 2-6-6-2 With tender at the club i’ve pulled 39 cars with it I have made a few changes on it to make it run better.