UM I thought we were in 2017…My pages say 2017…but the cover says February 2016. Is this a pre April Fools joke?
I bet someone’s embarrassed. [:$]
Happens when someone lets the spell checker do the proofreading.
[:$] [sigh] [swg]
Yes, we are embarrassed. The digital version says 2017.
Neil Besougloff, editor
The proofreaders need a bit of practice. Take a look at the back cover, where “These models posses better then brass detail”.
Ah, well, who among us has not put down the prior year on checks written early in a new year?
When I was Managing Editor of the Wisconsin Law Review, every article and cover – every page – was “read in” meaning two people would sit across from each other and read off every letter of every word, every punctuation mark, page number – everything. It was tedious and boring. And even then mistakes like this one would slip through. Or should I say, misteaks.
We kept a page from the San Fernando Valley Law Review taped to our door to keep us humble. The text was right side up, but the footnotes (law review articles bristle with footnotes) at the bottom were upside down. Neither their printer nor their proof readers noticed.
Stuff happens.
The August 1953 Model Railroader has perhaps the most famous “oops” in the history of the magazine. The cover shows among other things the then-new (metal, not plastic) Athearn RDC with the caption “How Does the New RDC Run?” Problem is, the Trade Topics review that the caption referred to did not run until the September issue. This caused no end of fun in the Railway Post Office in September. One letter: “It must have run so well that it ran right out of the magazine.” Another: “I give up! How does the RDC run?” And this one: “Could it be that the new baseball team you have there in Milwaukee [Braves had moved from Boston) is distracting your staff?” Lastly, this one, and remember that the editor at the time was John Page: “Please send me your forwarding address, John.”
Dave Nelson
Ayup, my Model Railroader arrived in the mail this morning. And the cover does say “February 2016”.
Will there be a reissue of this month’s publication?
Did all of them go out with the cover error?
They all did, and no.
So, we have a special collector’s edition?
On the bright side, anyone ordering the Feb 2016 back issue in the future will get two non-identical copies. [(-D]
And the Feb 2017 back issue will have been out-of-stock forever. [:-^]
MR’s version of the 24 cent airmail stamp with the inverted biplane.
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)
I think that just about everything that can be said about this error has now been said.