LAZ 57 or somebody with the UP FEF. Do you know how to apply the cab light and the front red light. The front light went on at first for a couple of days (blinking when stopped) and the cab light has not gone on yet. I must have pushed some wrong buttons. I’ve been told that I have to set it with the Legacy control (which I have). I have reset the engine to it’s original settings. But no red light and no inside cab light. Thanks in advance.
The front MARS light should come on when the engine is stopped. It will flash. Mine is a white light, Lionel screwed up and did not put a red one in but is suppose to make it right? As far as the Cab light when you address your engine there should be an icon for Cab light in the lower right hand corner push this icon, it should light up. The Cab light will go off when engine is in motion. Hope all is ok with your engine? Mine still running great No PROBLEMS. Hope this helps?
The MARS light did go on and worked properly at first but went off after about a couple of weeks and does not work anymore. And the cab light, I did see the icon on the pad and no luck. It will not go on. I guess I have a decision to make, whether to send the engine in to Lionel for those two lights and be without that FEF-3 for 6 wks or eat it and stay like this. What would you do? I really like this engine. Thanks again.
First did you try a reprogramming of the engine? The sequency in the book. I’d try that first. And is there a Lionel dealership near you? If there is and have a person there that fixes Lionel trains he might be able to deal with the issue? Also call Lionel and ask the technician if there is anything you can do. Sometimes it just might be a loose connection? Hope all is well? Mine still is running great. Knock on wood.