FEMA has just ordered 102,000 boxcars

Damn! They can’t even put up a video that the owner didn’t recall for copyright infringement. I guess copyright infringement is another government plot.

On my drive into work, I pass a field that has a few deer blinds built around it, just outside the neighboring woods on either side. I have often thought that, especially with the distortion of a telephoto lens, I could make up a reasonably good conspiracy hoax of “guard towers” around a “secret government base/camp”. Too many trees to pass it off as Area 51 in the desert (though there are some people that believe palm trees grow up here in Wisconsin so…), though.

Area 52

The video you give a link for shows the box cars are to transport automobiles. The “shackles” are to hold automobiles.

That is just the FEMA cover story to disguise their real purpose.

My switchman and I were discussing the “FEMA boxcar” phenomenon and the whole prison camp nonsense, and he came up with a really wicked cool idea.

Now, I am not one that comes even close to thinking that graffiti in any form is acceptable, but….

Make a small stencil with lettering about 1” tall, one that reads…

“Leased to FEMA under the REX 84 plan,

ownership vested in a security agreement

registered with the Federal Government”.

Now, take some black or white sidewalk chalk…and right about eye level….

Kinda funny if you think about it.

No doubt you’re right, Balt. I have it on good authority that all those houses destroyed on the Jersey short were not really destroyed by a hurricane. It is all a govamint plot.

Apparently it wasn’t a conspiracy.

Anyone have any idea where there is enough track to store 102,000 “boxcars”?

Remember to use Reynolds tin foil, it’s the only stuff that keeps “them” out of your head. [(-D]

Ya know, my graphics card will handle two monitors, so I have two running (comes in pretty handy sometimes).

That means I now have TWO monitors to clean tea off…

I am so tempted, just this once…. [}:)]

Shinny side towards the inside or outside?

Shiny side out. But you must have the rabbit ears antenna attached to the top with #14 wires.

I was looking at a model railroad supplier’s catalog today and realized that there’s another group of “white boxcars” on the railroads. Instead of perforations for ventilation, they’ve got air conditioners, which would probably help keep the occupants cool enough that they would cause trouble.

Not only that, but they’re insulated, to they screams and moans won’t be heard outside…

And a lot of them run between Florida and the New York area on a regular basis. Heard something about the contents of the cars being juiced.

Fema would probably only need the cars a few months out of the year. The rest of the time, they may be able to lease them to the Soylent Corporation.

Speaking of Soylent, maybe that’s the explanation for those black and white tank cars?

Shhhhh….they monitor this stuff you know.

OMG! This must really be true![:S]

I just searched Google [White Railroad Boxcars with Shackles]:

it Came up with 22,300 results in 0.23 seconds! You just know it must be true…Cause they cannot post bogus stuff on the Internet! [bow]

Here’s one of the links @


FTA: "UN/FEMA Prisoner Boxcars With Shackles, Guillotines, And the NWO AGENDA for “AMERIKA”

"UN/FEMA Prisoner Boxcars With Shackles, Guillotines, And the NWO AGENDA for "AMERIKA"NO LONGER Considered “URBAN LEGEND”


-by Pamela Schuffert, providing investigative journalism with a Christian perspective

Complete story at posted link.


I really hope that none of us gets pulled in by FEMA; it would be a sad event to know that one of us has been arrested for exposing the truth.