Had some time off during the holidays and decided to put together two Athearn AC4400’s that have been sitting in the blue box for the last two years (by the way, it was the hardest Athearn model i’ve ever had to put together and i even had to grind the frame down considerably with a dremel tool so that the Kadee couplers would fit)…anyway, I decided to try out the new white LED’s and the fiber optics i got via mail order a few months ago… I wired and mounted two white light LED’s (Cathode to anode for directional lighting) and incorperated a 580 ohm resistor and hooked it all up for power (one end from the engine motor’s copper clip and the other to the frame)…I then made sure they both lit properly corresponding to the train’s direction of travel…i then took two different sizes of fiber optic strands about 4"- 5" long (.75 and 1.5) and heated one end of the fiber optic strand with a candle to flare the tip and then mounted it into the locomotives light sockets…(the .75 for the ditch light sockets and the 1.5 for the main headlight sockets) …I then glued them in position with CA glue…i then cut a piece of styrene tubing and shoved the LED in one end and the fiber optic strands into the other and then slid a piece of shrink tubing over the entire assembly and shrunk it to fit so as to hold the LED and the fiber optic strands in place…i then did the same for the rear engine lighting…I then gently put the engine shell back on, placed it on the track, and wahlaa!..it was the best looking lighting i’ve ever seen on a locomotive!..it even stays on when there is a small enough amount of juice on the rails to light the lights while the train remains motionless (pretty good constant lighting!)…I’d recommend trying this…I also put it in an Athearn U-boat and it also worked well and looks prototypically fantastic!..Chuck
Well done Chuck!! I think white LED lights are the best. I put some in my Athearn loco too but with soundtraxx decoder they glow alittle when they are off, and the rear light comes on when you blow the horn!!??
NZRMac – you have the wrong function wires connected to the LED if it comes on when you blow the horn. The headlights and rear lights should be connected to the blue common wire, and white for the headlight and yellow for the rear light.
No it’s all wired right soundtraxx reckon it’s a problem with the decoder drivers they aren’t designed to drive led’s and they leak a little current thru.
I’ve got white LEDs on a Soundtraxx decoder, too. The rear light blinks occasionally when running forward. Soundtraxx recommends not using LEDs on their lighting circuits. Apparently, they are aware of the problem but have done nothing to fix it. That’s OK with me, 'cause the bright white LED on the front of the train is sure impressive. I don’t pay too much attention to the light flickering every once in a while on the back.
I drilled a small recess (hole) in the clear lens and inserted the white LED directly. It looks fine, but it is a larger lens. I’ll try fiber optics soon.
Mark C.
here is the outcome http://community.webshots.com/photo/137793353/238594941OhvBte
try installing this circuit in your locomotive to cut down on the flicker…it has a capacitor in it that should correct the flicker …just be sure you include a resistor with the LED in place of the 1.5 volt bulb…the circuit is at http://www.mrollins.com/constant4.html Chuck