Fillmore & Western negotiations continue

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Fillmore & Western negotiations continue

People are not thinking creatively here. Firstly, the commission could sell the railway to the railroad for $10, and the problem of the expenses would be solved. Or the commission could go into the tourist business and advertise the railroad to the very skies around the world, and then many more people would come and with their purchases of tickets and meals and souvenirs would greatly increase the tax base, allowing the commission the extra money needed to take of the maintenance of the railroad itself. Or perhaps a studio or a consortium of studios could step forward and purchase the railroad from the commission that had just invited them to do so, once again letting the commission off the hook. Has anybody looked at how other dying railroads have successfully saved themselves in the past? Maybe, somebody should look. Where there is a will, there is a way. Or has the commission been bought off by that pipe maker to get rid of the traffic competition? Nobody is thinking straight here. Seemingly nobody.

I agree with Mr. Lester, but I have found very few politicos who think, let alone creatively.