I think we have arrived. So far it looks great. I painted the top black as they just blended into the scenery to much, but I think now I will lighten them up a little. I will now be using N scale wheel which I need to go buy as I work in HO.
As I had a little time I built the first gondola which I am happy with.
But wait until next week when I have to figure out what wire to use as cable as how to hang the gondola.
As the Motor came from A printer, I will have to figure out how to REALLY slow it down an avoid slipping.
I also want to give special thanks to Mister Beasley & Frank for their valuable help.
Where does it go? There is no way to get off it at the top. If would have been a lot more effective if you had put the bottom between the two tunnel portals and the top up in the corner so it looks like it goes someplace. Now that you have thinned out the towers, start reducing the size of the terminal at the bottom.
The reason you don’t see anything at the top is that I have not installed it yet. I wanted to get the Mock Up complete so I could set the proper height. Right now I have to leave the size of the terminal alone as the motor is 1" tall and I needed to leave clearence for the gondola. I plan on using some sort of Scenery block such as the high trees.