Finally did it, started a photobucket

After seeing so many guys with photobucket accounts, I finally broke down and did the same, my free website at peoplepc is so limited, needed more room. [:I]

Congrats, good move! I started using it myself last month, I like how I can keep my original filenames and quickly ‘grab’ the type of link I want to post (URL or embedded image).

really, [8D][:D] for basically a free service it’s great. I haven’t read everything yet about their site, is there a total limit ? All the choices for links,url etc is nice.


Way to go! [tup] I actually use but it is fun to share pics and to include them in a post in order to make either an idea or a question easier to comprehend. Congratulations! [:)] We look forward to seeing more pics from you. Nice diesel fueling facility!


Wow! Great photos and a great layout! Excellent job. I like the down town shots. Lots of real world stuff. I have 99% track and 1% real world stuff. Next time I will build for more structures.

Great pics! I like the seedy side of town pic. You really captured the “flavor” of it.

Thanks for the encouragement, man, I’ll be ballasting and planting weeds and bushes for years to come, the way thing are going.

Nice start there tstage, The flavor is coming out nice, it all takes time,[:D]

Looks great! What did you use for your city streets and side walks?

Thanks, City streets are Mini Highways, available at Walthers, although I get them at LHS. Sidewalks are Smalltown products.