Finally done with the track!!!

After waaaaaay too much time, I’m finally done laying track. It’s a small layout but a BIG milestone!

You know that feeling you get when you’ve actually completed something? What a good feeling. Now, all I have left to do is everything else…

Congrats on reaching the milestone! From the photo it looks like you have a serious wiring panel. Also what are the dimensions or your layout?

Nice job Randy!

The benchwork and facia look to be very sturdy. The wiring looks interesting, what is it all for? Turnout control, signalling?

Thanks! The panel is one of the next things. Early on when I was deciding how to break construction into manageable chunks, I decided to NOT wire anything directly into the panel but, rather, use terminal strips. The panel won’t be too complicated (I hope). There are 14 turnouts and about that many blocks.

The layout is approx 3’ by 6’ and can be rolled around via simple casters on the legs.


I have 14 turnouts and many blocks. I plan on having some misc lights and such. I will be using block control - basic stuff. The top two horizontal terminal strips on the left side are for powering the track and the vertical ones on the right are for turnout control. The bottom horizontal one is for the accessories such as lights.

Looks great! Keep on going and have fun. I’m just about to where you are on my layout, and I know what that milestone will mean when I get there. Yes, way tooooo long. But that’s ok.
