Finally finished a couple buildings

I finally finished a couple buildings I have been working on for way too long. The first is a bash of Bar Mills’ Shipyard Brewery. When I got the kit I was not aware that it did not have a back on it because it was designed to fit against the backdrop. It goes in the middle of an island on my layout so I added a back. I went to the LHS and bought some siding and Tichy windows that matched and scratched out the back. It was not too hard. I have since added some pigeons on the roof, and a couple of pheasants working on a barley spill on the side.

The other building is Wicked Wandas, with a few changes. On the layout it will be the office and bunkhouse for the quarry. I encourage those who wonder, to try this kind of thing, they are not that hard, though they take A LOT of patience and time.

I especially like Shipyard Brewery. Great work. The building is very interesting and eye-catching. Keep it up.


Great Work Art !!!

Love the

Shipyard Brewery!!!


Nice Modeling Art…Cox 47

They turned out great, Art. Nice work. I like how the drapes are flapping out of the open window…nice touch.


Looks great there Art! Love it!

Great modeling, Art !!! The Shipyard building and Wicked Wanda’s are real “show” pieces…


Nice work, Art!!


Very well done!


Your ‘brewery’ looks even better than the pictures. Thanks for taking it to the TCD meet Thursday evening.

Jim Bernier


I think that would be “Nice Art work!”. [:o)]

Art, terrific job on the structures. [:)][tup]



Nicely done. The back is a good match.

A good addition would be a brick powerhouse and a coal dump of some type…maybe a pocket with a silo, or something. Your brewery doesn’t have rail loading doors, and this isn’t wrong at all. A lot of smaller breweries would have shipped most of their beer by wagon. However, a brewery has a need for heat and power, and that meant steam, and that meant coal. It’s nearly impossible to overestimate the importance of coal in the age of steam.

Hey, is that a John English “Yardbird”?!

I love that brewery, too. “Shipyard” is actually a microbrew from Portland, Maine, which is one of my favorite draft beers when I’m up in that vacinity. I don’t know if the building has any relation to the real beer, but it sure looks good.

Are these part of your layout now, or are they just on “diorama” blocks wating for a home? Or, do the foam blocks fit into the layout?

That is an English Yardbird. I have another that will be finally finished this winter.

The brewery fits in a hole on the layout. That is where the track is. I have not solved the steam issue yet as a couple more structures are needed for that area. I used the Shipyard sign, because it is a cool sign. The inspiration is the Bubs brewery in Winona.

Wicked Wandas will become the bunknouse/office for the quarry. It will get a new sign.

Yes, I did enter it in the Division contest last night and got blown away by two dioramas that were 6 steps better. It was a fun night looking at some great structures.