Finally got a camera!

Here are some shots from my layout.
Please forgive the quality of the photos, as they are only representational of the actual models.

Scratch that Sony thing. Just go here.

I’ve added a heap of new photos, including shots of my BLI J1e.

You appear to be off to a great start Aggro![:D] Keep up the good work! The only suggestion I can make at this time is to add a little foreground lighting. It will help bring out the truck and underframe detail for ya! I use clamp lights on an old tripod for portable lighting. (cheap!)
Keep it up, you are well on your way! [:D][:D][:D][:D]
BTW, I saw it is a 3.2 mp, but what manufacturer???

Its a Canon Powershot A310.

Can you post them on a site that we don’t have to sign up for?

Can you recommend a good site for them? Cause I don’t know any. or creat a yahoogroup.

Try this.

Please enlarge the thumbnails.

Great pics Aggro! [tup]
and superb wheathering!

I like the ATSF stock and box car the best. Nice really nice.

Does your ISP give you some free space like as in 10MB to play with. If so upload pictures there.

Hey Aggro,
Man, that’s some fine weathering. If you get a chance, drop me an email. Ive got about
a hundrend questions. I’m at a point where I’m ready to start weathering some of my rolling
stock. I just finished weatheing a bridge, and it came out pretty good, but nothing like your
freight cars. I haven’t gotten up the nerve to start weathering my Allegeny, so maybe you could
give me some tips, so I get it right the first time.
Thanks for posting the photos, I will be using them for reference. Dave

Thanks for putting them on webshots!

Awsome photos, awsome weathering looks great!

I’d love to see some of your loco’s.

Great photos, Aggro! Can we see your locos now?

Amazing weathering… I wish I could get such great results!

Definitely show us your locos… you have us dying in anticipation!!!


My current layout is coming to an end. [:(] But this is the new begining. Replacing this layout, is a larger around the walls style one with a duck-under. It will be built in my 9 x 11 bedroom. All my belongings will be rearranged to handle this, changing my life style again.

This layout is being disassembled right now. Please take a final look. 14 new photos added.

great job on your weathering esp on the engines, 'cause it takes guts to weather the expensive stuff. Your first time w/ the camera was super !

Hey Aggro, did I see it correct that in the “very blurry” shot you used a mirror against the end of your layout suggesting extra depth?

[8D] Cool idea !

Lupo, yup. Since it had no back drop, the wall would just be showing. So I put a long mirror on there to add more distance. Sure it was a reflection, but it was better than looking at a gray wall!

I had never see a mirror used in this way, I saw small mirrors used at the end of a tunnel or underneath a bridge, but I think I gonna try that out in my own layout, only the reflection of the tracks in the picture gave away that it was a mirror, looking at the scenery it is almost invisible!