One thing; will share with us specifically the procedure you used to paint your model
(what did you strip the old finish with, did you use primer, what air brush, etc.)
A number of modelers here that already paint or are newbies to painting would benefit from the sharing of painting techniques as they vary but the result is what counts!
Thanks to all of you. Well, I’ll see if I can remember what I did, so here goes. I started with an undecorated engine in this case, but I’ve had pretty good results using 91% rubbing alcohal to stripp models, on the suggestion of another thread here. I’m pretty sure I put an undercoat of grey on there,from walmart, the 99cent kind, so the red would be good and bright. Then I sprayed Testors gloss red spray paint on it. I applied the decals From scale rail graphics, using Walthers micro set like thing. Then I gave it a coat of tesors dullcoat. Warning never use krylon cleat coat on decals. It will make the decals shrivle up and you will have to do it all over again. I used this the first time and ended up haveing to do the whole thing again.[:(]
And as for the ARK, Jim, I don’t know if I’ll do that right away, but I might do that someday still.[:D]
No I didn’t. I was in the planning stages of making decals though once I was told at my LHS that they couldn’t get any. Then I won one at the contest, and so the idea stopped. I’ve got the decals still stored on my computer, if I ever need them.