Find the Best Layout Among Us!

Here is something CTT could do.

Run a contest to find out who among us(CTT readers and Forum members) has the best layout. As voted buy us.

Catagories could include, but not limited to:

‘Best track plan’(don’t need an actual layout for this one).
‘Best all around’
‘Best secenery’
‘Best work in progress’
‘Best use of real estate’
‘Best low budget’
‘Best small’

Do you care to add any?

This could be a fun thing to do.

Prizes could be CTT hats or shirts.

Well what do you say?


How would we vote? Would we post pictures on the forum?

Submit either real photos via snail mail or digital photos via email. CTT posts them on a page on the site. You vote on that page


How about picking the winners and then giving consolation prizes to those in last place? [:D]

I like the last place consolation prize idea too.

I declare that I have won last place in every category. [:(][:(] Please send me all the engines, cars and other equipment such that next year I win first place hands down. [:)][:)][:)]

Your assistance is very much appreciated in helping me achieve my dream layout at your expense.[:D][:D] Chief, I expect you to kick into the Buckeye kitty big time since you have so much good stuff from you attic

Great Idea. Can we post images to this forum using the tags?

Prize isn’t important to me; I just like seeing other’s layouts.

Could be a LOT of fun. We should get Elliot and David Vergun to help judge since they both seems to have a lot of experience

I feel honored that you would want me to be a judge for this. I would sort of like to enter my project in a couple of these catogories, so I couldn’t do both, but would love to participate either way. Maybe Bob or Neil would want to judge for all of us. Who knows there might be an article for CTT in all this.[swg]

I don’t think we need a judge.
Just a way for everyone to post or send in pictures which we then could vote on!