For years, I used Floquil Concrete (130082) spray paint to add a concrete color to the sidewalks in my cities and towns. Then, Testors discontinued this line of paints.
Recently, I made some modifications to my layout, and I was faced with the need to find a replacement for the Floquil Concrete spray paint. While shopping for supplies at Hobby Lobby, I picked up a can of Testors Spray Enamel 1233 Flat Light Aircraft Gray. It is a perfect match for the discontinued Floquil Concrete.
Rich … Thanks for sharing your experience with Testor’s 1223 . … I have another use for it. It is a perfect color for CB&Q F-units, and I have used it for several F-units I painted. They match CB&Q F-units painted at the factory by Intermountain, Athearn Genesis, Stewart, and Walthers/Proto. …
For concrete I sometimes use Rust-Oleum camouflage 1917 Khaki. It’s not the same color, but looks good to me. … Most “concrete” surfaces should be weathered in my opinion.