Finding MR Planning 2023 in Canada

Does anybody know if MR Planning 2023 special issue is on newsstands currently in Canada, or have I missed it? I live in a rural area and the only 2 places that used to carry it have not had it come in yet this year. Thanks. Maybe time to switch to digital…

I use to get my MR mag at Safeway every month. They don’t carry it anymore and so I was getting it at Indigo Books. They did carry all the other Kalmbach publications at one time as well. You might want to check there.

I just order the special issues direct from the Kalmbach Store. I usually get an e-mail several months in advance, saying I can pre-order for $1 less than list price and free shipping.

Model Railroad Planning 2023 (

Model RR Planning, in common with Kalmbach’s Great Model Railroads, has a “sell by” date on the cover. In 2023 issue says display until April 17, 2023. At that point my understanding is that the newsstand or book store is to tear off the cover(s) and mail them back to Kalmbach for a refund. I know many hobby shops ignore that and keep the issue on the shelf figuring it will sell eventually but regular magazine racks probably take advantage of the chance to get a refund.

I think that is part of the inventive to get them to display the magazine at all. So you snooze you lose I guess.

Whether that display until date is on issues sent to Canada I do not know.

Somehow I am reminded of the money back guarantee that the National Lampoon magazine used to offer: you send us the unread portion of the magazine, and we’ll send you the unspent portion of your money.

Dave Nelson