I want to add an extra metalic shine to my HO models trains when I’m done spray painting them. What should I coat them with in order to give it a n extra shining metalic look?
Moved by selector.
That’s a rather unusual question: most folks want to eliminate most of the shine from glossy paints or plastics. I suggest that you don’t really want to make evrything too glossy, or “metallic” looking. The models will tend to look “toylike”. Unless your loco is less than a quarter-mile from the Paint Shop, the paint will have what I would call a “satin” or “semi-gloss” appearance.
To acheive a satin finish, I mix Floquil Flat Finish and Crystal Cote in about equal portions for my final coat. Alternatively, I mix Crystal Cote into my paint color to the degree desired - usually about 30-50%.
If you still want to try a glossy finish, try Future floor finish. It’s a clear acrylic gloss that sprays on easily without thinning, and can be easily removed by using any ammoniated cleaning solution, or by simply mixing household ammonia with water, when you get tired of it.
Perhaps he wants to represent aluminum or stainless steel car sides.
If so, Alclad is the best I’ve found. They have the only “Chrome” paint I’ve seen that actually looks like real chrome.
They also have other metallic colors like stainless, aluminum, etc.
Otherwise, Future floor finish works well for a clear gloss coat over paint.
Is this for freight cars? Passenger cars? Locomotives?
If for stainless steel passenger cars, click on this thread link: