My Bassett-Lowke LMS Enterprise tinplate live steamer arrived as I was going out the door to work. After shift, I came home and got to unpack my new train. After some wipe down, oiling the locomotive was ready. But after a test filling of the alcohol burner revealed a split seam at the rear of the tank, a quick resoldering job was in order. After that was squared away, the fire was lit and a short test run was done on blocks. She runs well. With no actual throttle, speed is controled by the load she pulls. Obviously at this hour, a run on track is not an option as my wife would have my hide for that. Hope to get a chance to run it on track later this weekend.
That’s a beautiful engine, and looks like a lot of fun ! Enjoy !! It occurred to me today that I don’t have any British trains…in any scale. Plenty of books, no models. Need to pick up a few examples to round out the collection!
Paul, check out an online place called Station Masters Rooms. The selection is unmatched, even on ebay. That is where I got my live steamer from. He has both vintage and reissue Bassett Lowke, along with ACE Trains and Darstead which both do new run classic looking UK scale tinplate trains. I also have a Bassett Lowke LMS Crimson clockwork “Duke of York” on the way from the UK to add to my collection.
That’s a beautiful little engine, and it’s even more impressive with those blue flames under the boiler!
I can’t believe they actually let kids play with something like that! Can you imagine it in this day and age?
I agree, back before most homes had electricity, it was clockwork with its short and usually high speed runs, or live steam. Of coarse homes back then didnt have carpet, but hardwood floors. Definatly a whole different time and place. I suspect the fuel they burned back then also was pretty stinky. I am burning bio ethanol fireplace fuel, little to no scent and no sooting up of the paint work beyond whats already there. Of coarse, even when I was a kid, I did lots of stuff we dont let our kids to today. Like free range wandering/riding bicycles, passing news papers ect. Just had to be home before the streetlights came on unless I phoned from a friends house first for permission to be out later. Mike
I’m hip. That’s when we were either safer or just didn’t really realize what’s out there. But of course, generations before ours were given tooth chipping cast iron, lead soldiers, sulphuric acid plunge batteries and radium coated toys to play with.
Hey, but we’re still here! Only the strong survive…
Vintage Hornby has the green LNER version of this engine for 350 pounds, he is also a great dealer in the UK for vintage tinplate trains. The wonders of the net make it so much easier to find and enjoy UK style tinplate trains. Mike