Hello every one I am just getting into the hobby again after an absence of a few years, and I’d like to attempt my first custom paint job. What I’d like to do is paint up a trolley car in HO the colors of my hometown’s trolley system (Holyoke Street Rail Way if it matters to any one). Finding the paint scheme is not an issue as our local library has a small archive of the old trolley system with color pictures. My problem is I have no clue where to start when it comes to the nuts and bolts of painting and lettering. Are there any good books? Etc., any recommendations?
Model Railroader Magazine released a video a couple of years ago entitled Airbrushing with Acrylic Paints. It can be found at our catalog site by clicking here: http://store.yahoo.com/kalmbachcatalog/15007v.html
If I have any advice, it’s don’t be afraid to make mistakes. This hobby - in my opinion - is all about trial and error and learning from your mistakes. Airbrushing is a great skill to have… it let’s you create beautiful models with your own flair. However, along the way your bound to encounter obstacles. Just be willing to recover from them and you’ll do just fine.
I think Eric may have said, “He who errs most has the greatest experience!” For sure he who errs most has the most models! Golf and Model Railroadiung seem to gather masokists. Only nuts use words they cannot spell! LOL Lindsay
Hello every one I am just getting into the hobby again after an absence of a few years, and I’d like to attempt my first custom paint job. What I’d like to do is paint up a trolley car in HO the colors of my hometown’s trolley system (Holyoke Street Rail Way if it matters to any one). Finding the paint scheme is not an issue as our local library has a small archive of the old trolley system with color pictures. My problem is I have no clue where to start when it comes to the nuts and bolts of painting and lettering. Are there any good books? Etc., any recommendations?
Model Railroader Magazine released a video a couple of years ago entitled Airbrushing with Acrylic Paints. It can be found at our catalog site by clicking here: http://store.yahoo.com/kalmbachcatalog/15007v.html
If I have any advice, it’s don’t be afraid to make mistakes. This hobby - in my opinion - is all about trial and error and learning from your mistakes. Airbrushing is a great skill to have… it let’s you create beautiful models with your own flair. However, along the way your bound to encounter obstacles. Just be willing to recover from them and you’ll do just fine.
I think Eric may have said, “He who errs most has the greatest experience!” For sure he who errs most has the most models! Golf and Model Railroadiung seem to gather masokists. Only nuts use words they cannot spell! LOL Lindsay