I’ve never messed around with DCC before other than running the throttle, but I have a DCC loco that I would like to add a sound decoder and speaker to. I’m sure I can find information online about how to physically install the decoder so I mainly just need to make sure I get the right one.
This is what the decoder and PCB look like in the loco:
I was looking at ESU’s website (http://www.esu.eu/en/products/loksound/) and they have many different connectors available. I’m guessing from the above pictures that I need the 8-pin NEM652 connector? If I were to go with the ESU Loksound, which decoder is right for me? They’ve got a lot of choices. The loco is an HO scale Bachmann GP-38. Is the Loksound a quality decoder?
Also, the ESU decoders say they come with a speaker. My loco seems to have a spot for a speaker molded into the fuel tank area: https://imgur.com/a/MFydZ
Is that what that circular hole is for? Is the ESU speaker that is included with the decoder a good speaker?
Anyone who can shed some light on my questions or point me to some good information would be greatly appreciated.
The ESU decoders I purchased did not come with speakers.
It is a good decoder, but I don’t know if they have a sound only decoder. I thought all theire decoders were designed to be both sound and operational.
The gurus will be along shortly. Expect that some of them will tell you to strip the decoder out and put a new one in. That is how TCS did it
I just visited the website, and I couldn’t find that. Could you please help out on that?
I’ve bought several ESU Loksound decoders, and none came with speakers.
Perhaps some sellers owe me some speakers.
PS: ESU’s website is designed to entice purchase, not to clearly transmit needed information. Someday they might fix that. I get the feeling it’s designed by the home office in Germany, with a certain lack of sensitivity to our needs.
The LokSounds are very good decoders, including motor operation as well as most specific sound files.
Overall, I would suggest you call Tony’s Trains (or another) and talk it over with one of their installers. Perhaps even e-mail them your photos. They can help you decide which way to go, and load your chosen decoder with the correct sound file (for free).
I use primarily LokSound Selects. They come in 3-4 forms. The Direct version is meant to replace the original circuit board, re-wiring the locos 8 wires to it. That version has onboard resistors for LEDs. I don’t know if the Direct board will fit nicely in your particular loco.
The 6AUX version is an encapsulated smaller circuit board that has the 8-pin plug, so it can be plugged into your existing board. That requires enough headroom above the existing board for the thickness of the 6AUX. There are of course 2 more wires for the speaker. Your existing board would include the resistors for LEDs if that’s what the loco has.
Some folks, myself included, use the 6AUX version but remove the existing board and hard wire the 8 wires (beside the speaker wires) to the loco main wires (trucks, motor, lights, etc). The 6AUX does not include resistors for LEDs so th
Ok I see that the 4.0’s are advertised as coming with speakers.
The 4.0 allows you extensively customize your sounds. I have only used Selects and am not going to be custom recording sounds to install in my models.
Round speakers are readily available. You do need a baffle or a sound chamber with any speaker. Sometimes they are included, sometimes people build their own (for rectangular speakers) with styrene.
I see everything I just wrote has been said while I typed.
No need to repeat.
Except. I just was on the phone yesterday with ESU-USA. In summary, the only reason to buy a V4.0 decoder is if YOU want to input your OWN special sounds. And just about nobody wants to. So, even if the V4.0 comes with a speaker, it doesn’t matter to you.
The Select is the one to buy. You CAN change the sounds, but you can only use the Loksound’s, not your own.
For a first decoder I would go with a Loksound Select. And you will need to purchase a separate speaker for it because it does not come with one. While the V4.0s do come with a speaker; the Selects do NOT. (See the last sentence above the heading “Operational modes”)
A word of caution: Whomever you end up buying your Loksound decoder from, you need to tell them or make sure that they send you the decoder with the correct sound files already installed on it for a GP-38. Loksound decoders come generic. So, unless you have a Lokprogrammer to download the files yourself, you need to receive it pre-installed with the correct sound files.
The newer Loksound decoders use 4-ohm speakers. Any of the ones on the bottom row of this ESU webpage (PN 50330-50334) are correct for it and come with their own speaker chamber. Other manufacturer’s speakers may require you to purchase the speaker and chamber separately.
Lastly, I don’t know how much physical space you have under the shell for a decoder in your Bachmann GP38. So, I would opt for the Loksound Select micro - just to be on the safe side. It offers the exact same features as it’s larger brother but is smaller in size to accommodate tight spaces.
The Select will handle 1.1 A, the Micro .75 A. If that matters. They say all outputs are protected, so what could go wrong? I’ve got one Micro inside a switcher, and it’s working fine. But I put the Selects in if at all possible.
Also, I think the Select has 6 function outputs, while the Micro has 4. Again, if that matters.
But they’re not exactly the same, just almost sort of.
Unfortunately, the ESU Loksound website is designed to sell, not to inform. So getting information out of it is, at the least, irritating.
Not so much any more, now that all the top sound decoders do sound AND motor. Programming with 2 decoders is ALWAYS a pain, you either have to add plugs to the track wires, or some method of having only one decoder connected at a time, especially when the motor decoder and sound decoder don;t come from the same vendor, and inevitably have overlapping CVs. Some you WOULD want to set at the same time for both decoders, like the address.