I have one of the 90’s(?) models of the 4001. It’s got a good motor, but the gears that are attatched to the axles won’t grip the axles anymore! If there’s anything I could do (other than buy 2 whole new drive sets), let me know. Any help will be appreciated.
Check Golf Manor Hobbies in Cinncinati at: www.GOLFMANORHOBBIES.com (they aren’t the greatest for answering email), ph (513) 351-3849 3pm-9pm EST. They have parts for older Rivarossi/AHM locos so they might be able to fix you up.
maybe try some of that ACL cement
First, make sure your gears aren’t cracked. If they are proceed to the Golf Manor solution. If you wa***he geared wheelsets in hot soapy water with a good strong detergent like blue Dawn, two or three times, and then rinse good, that should get all the old oil or grease off. Then ACC glue may solve your problem. Don’t use anything but plastic compatible lubes afterwards. This is the first time I have heard this problem with a Riv., so I am thinking some bad oil is involved.
Thanks guys, but it it didn’t work. If all possible, new engine sets can be put on. That or convert the engine to a dummy (and have my athearn Challenger pull it ).Thanks anyway.
was the drive socket cracked if not try a piece of an elastic wedged in between
hope this helps