Well, looks like another month is starting so guess that means our Landlord wants us to Move Again!

CW, Sarah And I have spent ALL evening moving the layouts, Pizza Oven, Serving Station and everything else to the Newest Location. (almost forgot the sound system with the railroad songs on!!)

Did you remember the coffee pot?

I’ll make sure the tea kettle is ready to go. And the bearclaws…

Our lake effect band moved south, but not before making for an “interesting” trip into town to work at the PBS Antique Auction. I arrived home to starlit skies…

Good Monday morning everyone, and welcome to our new digs! Yeah, Walt, Sarah and I really busted our behinds to get everything moved. And of course, so I wouldn’t accidentally drop anything from your all’s layouts, Walt was in charge of getting them all moved over. (I’m smart enough to know I don’t want any of you mad at me for breaking something on the layouts!)

Coffee, juices, and other morning beverages are ready to go. And on the serving station, you’ll find all the standards: bagels, bear claws, bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, etc., for a nutritous, hearty breakfast to get your days started.

Most of our snow melted yesterday. Upon closer inspection, I think we ended up with close to 4 inches in our area.

Everyone have a very good morning, and if any of you have any requests for lunch, just let me know.

good morning

cold start this morning but matt is on time and on the bus.Cw thanks for breakfast.going to get a nap in.need to go to town later this afternoon.I am glad you didn’t forget mookies blanket and coffee mug.

stay safe


Joe, if I forgot Mookie’s blanket and coffee mug, that would mean I forgot mine also! I’d never do that!!

And Mookie was in that blanket!

Is it too late to ask for “pigs in a blanket” (pork sausage links wrapped in buttermilk pancakes) for breakfast??

ooo ooo ooOOOoo

CAT-napping! (double entendre![swg])

Lurch is getting ready to head east if Willy2 keeps his lab project under control. Prefer to keep the ditchfinder switch in the O-F-F position.

Afternoon all.

I’m at school now. I’ve finished up all of my work, so I got on. We’ve been really busy, so that’s why I haven’t been on.

I didn’t go camping last weekend. My cough is really bad.

Have a good evening.


Justin, I hope your cough dies soon.

Paula, take care of yourself.

Ricki drove me to the doctor’s office this morning so the staples in my abdomen could be removed (two weeks post-op). His nurse (he is in surgery on Mondays) removed them, and said that I could drive again (which made Ricki quite happy), but still had some limitations on weight lifiting. She was quite satisfied with the way everything looked.

We had some snow Saturday night and a little last night, and the atmosphere is clear again, with real sunshine coming in.


Ray, it may be a little late for breakfast, but pigs in a blanket are good anytime, as an appetizer, so they’re included on the lunch menu.

Speaking of lunch, here is the menu for today:

  1. Ray’s pigs in a blanket

  2. Sloppy joes w/your choice of fries, curly fries, or chips and tossed salad

  3. Grilled cheese sandwiches w/above choice of sides

And, if anyone has any requests for tonight’s supper, please let me know, and I’ll take care of it. (otherwise, it’ll be a repeat of # 2 and #3 above, with some soup/stew from yesterday.)

Johnny, glad to hear you got your stitches out today, and that everything is looking good.

Mookie, that’s why Walt was extra careful and gentle, moving your blanket!! We knew you were sleeping ,and didn’t want to disturb you!! (wink, wink!)


saw Csx working on the FC diamond as the maw was pushing cars into the siding for the y101 to pick up.Cw 2 orders of # 2 will do for supper tonight thank you.Time to get things around for work tonight.

stay safe


I’ll have some of those Sloppy Joes as well.

Funny, daughter just posted on her Facebook page that she made Sloppy Joes and Tater Tots for the first time in ages…

Not a bad day here today. Decent temps (20’s) and no snow to speak of.

Still working on projects (this will be the ongoing status for quite some time). Actually got a couple of things done today, so more check marks on my list.

Latest communique from the “Stupid Zone”: http://www.wsbtv.com/news/22399769/detail.html

Knucklehead Trucker ALERT!

(Road signs banning trucks don’t apply to Food Service Trucks?)

Don’t I ALWAYS keep my lab project under control?? Never fear, it looks like the weather will be good for you.

Just got done reading parts of The Iliad and The Odyssey for World Literature. We only read bits and pieces of each, which was disappointing. I guess that gives me some summer reading to do. Last summer I read Don Quixote in its entirety (in English, mind you), so I’m up to the challenge. Up next is Oedipus the King.

Seems to me that the bottom of those Nikes looked like baloney skins after the cat got miffed.

Good Tuesday morning, everyone. Oooh boy, mudchicken, that was a mess, wasn’t it?! I know some of our people on here, who are/were truckers, would not have done that!

We’re starting out this morning with temps right around 32 degrees F, going for a high in the low to mid 40s. May see some drizzle or flurries, but nothing too major.

Coffee, juices, and hot beverages are all fresh and ready to go, including hot cider for mudchicken and plenty of hot water for Larry and our other tea drinkers.

On the serving station this morning: bagels, bear claws, and the regular breakfast items.

I’m glad the sloppy joes were such a hit last night. Sorry I didn’t make it back in, though; had other things to be taken care of.

Everyone have a good morning, and I’ll see you all later, after I get through with Tuesday Produce.

I am going to produce this morning, also. Some major snoring sounds from the hammock…