Flex Track Doesn't Fit Pier Set

I’ll start this by saying that I am new to this hobby, I haven’t had a set up since I was a kid many years ago. Anyway I recently purchased HO scale code 83 flex track. Along with this I purchased a Atlas #80 Over & Under Pier Set (47 pieces). My problem is that the track ties are too wide to fit in the pier set, am I doing something wrong? What would you suggest?

Thanks, Bob

i used the nscale version of the pier set and found that i had to file off some flash from the top of the piers where the track slides through with a small file. i also used some 200 grit sandpaper on the edge of the tie strips.

The track is about 1/8" wider than the space where it fits into the pier. I could clip each tie with nippers, but thought there might be an easier solution.

Perhaps I’m stating the obvious but the way I understood how these up and overs work is you have to slide the pier on from one end of the track, you can’t just push it into the track “mid-way”.

I know in my n-scale up and over I had this problem with not just flex track but anywhere I tried to get the pier to sit under the track. It just seems these were made in such a way you have to slide them on from one side of the track. You’ll also notice (again assuming the peir you’re talking about is the same I’m talking about) that you can only slide these things in one direction, if you attempt to slide it the other way, well, good luck to you :slight_smile:

The Atlas pier set is fairly inexpensive. What I think you will find is that you will outgrow this type of bridge. The grades are too steep and toylike. Think of it as a temporary experiement with bridges. However you solve it is okay. Wander over to Weekend photo fun somewhere on the next page or two and look at the way folks are handling bridges.

Look at the article link in my signature–a Beginner’s Guide to Layout Design.

The Atlas pier set is made for use with Snap Track, with a pier every 9 inches, not flex track. It’s been a long time since I have ever used Snap Track, but perhaps the crossties are narrower on it than on flex track.

I was just surprised to find that the ties on the flex track were wider than the snap track. I have some old brass track that fits the pier set just fine, but I wanted to start off with NS track.


The Pier set is made for Code 100 track. The Code 83 track has thicker ties so that it matches up with the Code 100 trackage. I guess the LHS guy who sold this did not mention it to you?
