Flex Track

We the recent issues obtaining atlas code 100 HO flex track I was wondering if anyone ever used the Life Like Code 100 flex track and if so how was the quality and does it line up well with atlas and peco track. Im thinking I will probably just wait out until Atlas track is availible again as I want it to be of quality.

Just to mention there are numerous Atlas NS code 100 flex track listings on Ebay if you’re interested (and no, I’m not an Ebay seller…) http://www.ebay.com/bhp/code-100-flex-track

I was going to post a thread on this one yesterday and didn’t get to it. I saw that M B Klein was selling Life Like flex track as a new item. In support and follow up to the OP…what’s the assessment? For me…to Hades with Ebay.

Mark H

Yes,I have use both Life Like and Model Power flex track with Atlas switches with no issues.

The NMRA has track standards the manufacturers follows so all track is interchangable…

Time was Manufacturers boasted by placing “This product meets all NMRA standards” on their products.Of course that slowly died out over the years and if memory serves was gone by the late 70s.

Our large HO scale club layout is practically all Model Power code 100 flex track intermixed with Peco and Atlas turnouts. Once it is ballasted, it is very difficult to tell any difference between Model Power and Atlas track, or any other brand, for that matter.

I’ve never used LifeLike flex track, so don’t really know about its quality. Model Power flex track is marked “GT Italy” on the bottom. As long as the rail code is the same, all brands should match up okay.

The new Lifelike Flex Track is NEW from Walthers in response to the lack of low cost Flex that Atlas seems to be unable to supply in any quanity!

I have not seen it so I can not comment on its quality!

BOB H - Clarion, PA

Yes, Code 100 nickel silver flex track from LifeLike/Walthers is a new product and they seem to have plenty of it on their shelves at the showroom in Milwaukee. Physically it looks like anybody else’s Code 100 flextrack. I have not actually laid track with it.

Dave Nelson