Flooring for the train room; carpet or pergo?

It is Woodland Scenics Trackbed foam sheets. It is a dense foam. The same foam I use for the roadbed, just sheets for yards and similar large areas. It isn’t economical for very large areas but was about $20-25 for the new section.

Since my layout is in the basement on a concrete floor I used 12 x 12 peel and stick tiles in a wood like finish - its cheap and can be easily added to as your layout gets bigger

One more voice here – I’m a serious klutz, especially with small parts (say, track spikes!) When I took ownership of the spare bedroom that is now the train room, it was carpeted, but I know I’m going to drop spikes, and then use the “pedal recovery system.” (Easily identified by the use of four-letter words, followed by removal of a sharp object from the sole of one’s foot. [censored])

So I covered the carpet with 3/8" masonite. This also seems to reduce the “floating” of the few legs that my layout has. Once I’ve gotten past the sawdust stage, I’ve got some of those interlocking shop pads to cover the central working area (my equivalent of aisleways…)

I’m not sure, but I’m hoping that I’ve got the best of both worlds…



My layout room is about the same as yours, and I opted for the carpet. However, I covered it with two layers of heavy plastic to keep it from getting messed up during the benchwork thru plaster phase of construction. At that point, I removed it and have a pretty decent carpet as a result. The carpet - to me - is preferable as it is easier on the feet, and stuff doesn’t break as easily when it lands on the carpet. On the down side, small parts hide in it and it is a bit harder to vacuum as opposed to mop/sweep.

Hey, whatever you do is great, and congratulations on the train room!!!


My trainroom is an unused spare bedroom with hardwood floors. I prefer the wood over carpet. Easier to clean. The layout rolls easily. When you are under the layout there are no carpet burns. We only have carpet in the upstairs hall and steps to the second floor, that would come out if mine was the only vote.


My vote is for the carpet with a good pad. I have found numerous small parts by vacuuming with a piece of panty hose stretched over the shop vac hose.