Has anyone tried using Floquil Paint Markers for weathering track? If so, were you happy with the results? Thanks
yeah, they’re okay. The rust i really like, because I like really rusty rail. Its a lot like Poly Scale Utility Orange, just a little darker and flat. The rail brown is alright; mine came with 2, and didn’t come with railroad tie brown (unless its the otherway around, i dont have them in front of me right now so i can’t remember).
I think they’re good for coloring rail only; it would be really really tedious to color every single tie. Of course they’re great for adding touch up highlights. I got mine on ebay for only 7.99 with free shipping, so i said why not and bought them.
The pens themselves are kinda like markers. they have a wick end that needs to be pumped and pressed to get the paint to flow down into them.