Florida Climate

I posted a question on the “Model Railroaders” forum asking about how the climate in Florida impacted train layouts and rolling stock. The majority of the replies mentioned that “Humidity” was a problem.

I’d like to address the “Classic Toy” guys and gals in Florida. Would you agree that “humidity” is a problem and if so, how do you manage it?

In the event that we make the move, I’d like to be prepared. As always, many thanks.

If you have your layout in the garage of a “typical” Florida house, you may have problems IF the garage is not part of the airconditioned space. Most of us down here use a “spare room” for our layouts, or like me build in an in use room(bedroom,etc.).

Do not store your trains in the attic spaces(if your house has one) as these are NOT insulated, and are open to the heat and humidity. In my house, the 1/2 bathroom became the storage facility for the trains & other household items.

If you do find a house with an insulated, air conditioned garage, GRAB IT! most of the time, cars are parked on the driveways, not in the garage.

Hope this helps—

Appreciate your advice. Thanks.

Here in Sunny Sarasota Florida (also known as God’s Waiting Room), I have not noticed a problem.

I do have an air conditioned room where I am building my layout, however, I store a lot of trains in the garage. My trins are post war only however, so I have no reference regarding how well modern trains will hold up to the heat. My non-ir conditioned garage does not get that hot, however.

Many of the trains in my post war collection sat in my fathers attic in New Jersey for 40 years. 100+ in the dead of summer. They work fine.

Frank: Thanks for your note. We are looking in the Hudson area. I guess my concerns focus on the effect of the humidity on the benchwork. From what I gather, the A/C should take care of potential problems. We’ll see! Thanks again.

I have a large two car garage that I insulated and closed off with a false wall for my train room. It seems to keep the temp down even without the ac on. I had my other layout in the garage before doing the modifications and didn’t have too many ill effects other the dirt and a higher temp inside then was enjoyable.

I live near West Palm Beach FL, and have my trains upstairs in an air conditioned extra bedroom. I store my extra stuff under the layout or in access spaces(areas in the high ceiling) on the second floor, all my train stuff is inside air conditioning.

Also I use some stainless steel GarGraves track from a former house that I was using the closed in back porch area for a layout. The area wasn’t completely closed off from humidity.

Lee F.

Here in North East Florida (also known as South East Georgia), I haven’t had a problem. I had my stuff in the garage (finished,insulated drywall and painted) for about a year and at the time had mostly newer electronic trains, later on some postwar. Had no problems or effects, just the track got dirty faster and did more cleaning.

And to echo Franks comments, my Dad’s trains are all in the attic, have been for 30 years and a small cleaning & lube run like they did lo, those many years ago.

I have since cleaned them, wrapped them in acid free tissue paper and put them in plastic bins.

Frank…bet those attic temps hit 130+!!!