Modeling the various industries that the railroads service to transport their goods from place to place, from mine to refinery, from factory to depot, steel, coal iron and various other commodities is something that is replicated in model railroading, along with passanger services.
This in turns leads to having activies in which model railroaders can role play the various opperations that happen in real life scale, thus adding to the hobbies immerse appeal.
Where I live in New Brunswick Canada, the railway tracks are a respective one hour (Canadian National Mainline) to an hour and a half (NBSR Shortline), and I dont see any industries beings served, other then switching at the junction or just using a passing siding, and the occassional NBSR excursion train. Not to menion that the major indjustries are blocked off with not much accesable views, and watching for too long might be a issue of concern for the railway police/security force.
I realize that one of the major reasons I am facinated by trains, is waiting for them, and the site of finally seeing one immerge out of the woods going by on the tracks. When ever I aim to visit the nearst railway tracks, that are surrounded by tall forests and trees, it seems mystifying to look down the track hoping for something to come, almost like being on a safari or birdwatching, as you might see something, you might not.
My idea for a layout would combine the best scenic parts of the NBSR (New Brunswick Southern Railway), and scenic areas on CPR and CN I like, thus making a mostly scenic layout that models my favoruite Canadian railway scenics. I do feel that as times does on , I will model various industries to give the layout more meaning and opperations to immerse in, which adds to the experiance.
I learned in the 2019 issue of Great Model Railroads, that you dont need to start on operations starting out, as watching trains is better, after dealing with work, as adding the complexity of mimicking thes