Fold down micro layout project

This is somthing I’ve been working on for the past few months. I wanted to build a piece of art to conciel a bookshelf type layout that folds down. No train layout yet(work in progress), just the fold down structure. Still trying to figure out what kind of layout to build.

That is a pretty nifty project, and I am extremely jealous of the workshop you have.


It looks very good.




Agreed, a very nice workshop and workmanship, and a very nicely produced video. Looking forward to following your progess.

Sweet! [swg] That is quite a shop set up you have. [Y]


Thanks Kevin!




I could see doing something like this, but the art work would be train, maybe a picture? or photograph? maybe an engraving? I dunno, just seems like a cool idea.

I know at some point in time, a more “retirement friendly” home will be in the works, and something like this could fill the “model railroad” void, as we probably wouldn’t have the space for a full layout.
