Font Test

This is the default font.
This is Andale Mono
This is Arial
This is Arial Black
This is Book Antiqua
This is Century Gothic
This is Comic Sans MS
This is Courier New (nothing like Courier Old)
This is Georgia (not to be confused with the state or the country)
This is Impact (but not Sudden Impact, “go ahead, make my day”)
This is Lucida Console
This is Script MT Bold
This is Stencil (hehehe, rhymes with pencil)
This is Tahoma (not to be confused with Tacoma or Oklahoma)
This is Trains New Roman, I mean Times New Roman (all fonts lead to Rome)
This is Trebuchet
And last, but not least, this is Verdana

Font Size 1
Font Size 2 (default size)
Font Size 3
Font Size 4
Font Size 5
Font Size 6


Yes, but thanks for the colorful display.

closet claustrophobic

I liked it. Please redo the test, because I still don’t understand it.[:I]


UGH! I can be a slow learner,but I really
don’t understand it.


You’ve got to be kidding, but just for explanation sakes:

It’s to see what it all looks like. I want to see what each font looks like compared to the other. I also did all the other features while I was at it. But since the initial post has added even more features and emoticons and stuff and stuff.[angel][bow][4:-)][censored][C=:-)][C):-)][dinner][{(-_-)}][(-D][:-,][oX)][#ditto][#ditto][#oops][#wstupid][swg][soapbox][:-^][zzz]

what the heck is the difference between Courier and Courier New