Food for thought

Well, this is what I get for monkeyin’ around on the internet.

Those two posts go together, but you have to look at both posts together to see what I’m talking about. If you look at the map quest map on aerial photo, you can still see some straight legs where the round house used to be. It’s not even that hard to see. One of these days this week or next I’m going to go down there by that little cul-da-sac where the entrance to the grain elevator is and take some pics. Maybe even get on the grounds if I can. That little area is the back entrance by the by if it even connects. The grain elevator is what I was told was haunted, the little hut on top would have lights go on and off at night and the stairs were burned down decades ago so no one can get up there to mess with the lights. This is what I was told. In reality if the lights do go on and off it’s not haunted, it’s someone up there doing what ever it is they do in those little huts. It elevator is still in use. If you follow the track plan of the yard you can follow it all in the map quest photo. It’s the Norwood yard for the Green Bay & Western, although It’s all listed as Fox Valley & Western rail. But don’t be fooled, and here’s why. I am 99%