For the Last Time - Part 2 of 3 (Long, IMG Heavy Post)

Hey gang,

Here’s the next batch of slides. These are from my penultimate roll of Kodachrome.

First up is a K-37 Mike. I’ve always been a fan of the K-27 class Mikados, but I can’t deny that the K-37 class (which were rebuilt from standard gauge Consolidations) are big and impressive!

Next is a dramatic sunrise view of an eastbound coal drag that just came down the Moffat line. It was really hard to get this one to “scan” correctly. It’s a neat shot to look at on the light table!

I decided to see what I could do with a telephoto view of that sunrise. Maybe someday I’ll even learn how to keep horizons level! :wink:

Next, we’re back at the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden again. This view is very similar to the one I showed on my K-25 roll, but I like the composition a little bit more in this image:

Here’s a shot of the train at the No Agua water tower. I t

Neat stuff! All great shots.

Did you have trouble keeping the scan noise out of the dark areas of the sunset pix, or do you just have a really good slide scanner?

What {Oltmand} DON, said!### Really Cool! Thanks,Chris!

Thanks, guys.

Don, I have actually been using my DSLR as my slide scanner lately. It’s still a work in progress, but the results are better than anything I’ve used before (especially with Kodachrome, a notoriously hard film to scan).