Quite a few years ago (30) I built a side dump ore car in HO. It was all cast metal and would dump from either side. It had a rather high center of gravity and a narrow height (at least as I remember it) of the side rails of the car. When it dumped the entire bottom of the car tilted either left or right.
Anybody have any idea, or can remember, who made this kit? It was about thirty years ago.
I’ve bought 2 of them for the grandsons to “operate”. They have horn hooks talgo mounted (on the trucks), only dump to 1 side, and are pretty much toys - but the kids love them! PS, they don’t like my Walthers Difco side dumps - they “don’t do anything”![;)]
Not sure about the model, but I’ve got an actual side dump car story for you. When I was a kid back in the mid 1970s, we use to hang around the railroad yard where they kept cars on a side track for weeks at a time. Anyway, one day some friends and I were climbing around on one of these odd looking gondolas, when one of the kids discovered a lever and pulled on it. When he did, the car began to raise up on one side. It just so happened I was standing on the high side of the car, got scared and jumped off. It’s a good thing that I did because if I had fallen and slid or tried to exit the car on the dump side I might have gotten crushed by the car wall as the car settled back down. That incident taught me a lesson I never forgot!.