For those of you with a layout in the garage: where does the car go?

I’ve often eyed the garage as it is the biggest free space I have, but I live in a coastal environment where leaving the cars outside all the time is not a good idea. And our garage is a typical one with so much stored gardening and camping stuff and other junk that the car just slots in.

I have a 2 car garage so 1 half is mine ,the other half is the wifes,lol,but with where im at in the summer i have no choice but to keep it in there in the summer months,if i could have it my way the hole garage would be a layout


On the roof.

Hmmmm…I think I hear twhite at the front door…

Ya know, I always wondered that too. Our garage is my dad’s, he keeps a bunch of his old cars there. So, I just haunt the basement instead. [;)][:D]

My wifes car (the one that counts) still fits easily in the garage even with my layout higging the back wall, before I got my truck my little jeep could also fit but right now theres so much “just plain junk” in the way, niether car will fit![:0]

Lets just say a 13 or 14 foot long Volkswagen, several pedal bikes, a *** rocket ( fast bike), and a 7x11 HO layout can’t live in the same tiny garage. My car stays exposed in the harsh Northeast outdoors.

I imagine one would park it in the driveway.

Yes, in the driveway. Temperate climate and all of that, and even if it weren’t, who gives a [censored], anyway? Seriously, in my neighborhood, NOBODY parks their car in the garage, it’s either workspace, storage space, an extra room, or (in my case) the Sierra Nevada Mountains. On one side, I have the railroad, in the corner I have the washer and dryer and hot-water heater, then a little aisle wide enough to walk through, and on the other side I have my shelving and work-space. The workspace is going to give way to a staging yard come later on this Spring, so in essence, I’m moving myself out of the way of my model railroad. Yummy!!
Tom [:P][:P][:P]

3/4 of the garage

the other 1/4 of the garage. Why waste all that space for a car?

I argee Twhite,hehe ,my wife still thow wants me to use her half ,but i said ,wait till its hot ,


We have a huge 3 car garage, so I have the middle to do whatever I want with it! Wahoo!

Matt [8D]

I’m in the Bay area in CA. Property is so expensive here that there is no way I am using my garage for a car. We park outside (not too bad except for the birds) and the garage has been converted into a 13 x 20’ train room and we also have a storage room for the washer and dryer, water heater etc. The way I made this work was to install a loft above the train room for storage. So far it is working out very well…

I got lucky. With the new house, the girl gave me the whole garage. So, I get a 14x 18 foot lay out. My 3 4x4’s dont fit in the garage and the girl doesnt mind parking outside. Aint she a doll. For those of you with soime storage issues, put it underneath the layout. I am building my new bench work and this time, I am goign to build shelves for camping, and odds and ends. At my last garage, I even had a slot for the biks to fit.

Best regards
john k

Plead with a sympathetic next door/accross the street neighbour for garage space for your model railroad…with visting rights. When they say OK, as they surely would, wouldn’t you?, then bung your car in their garage and set up the layout in your now vacant garage. Simple.


I have what I call a “no-car garage” even without a layout inside: 8x18 feet, wartime construction. If I owned a Mini Cooper or other subcompact I might be able to fit it inside, but even my moderately-sized Volvo wagon would barely make it–IF it were empty. Chalk it up to wartime construction–my house was built in '44, and I guess materials shortages mandated a tiny house (less than 750 square feet) with a tiny garage.

Central California has suitable climate/safety to park the car outside, and I live in a part of downtown where street parking is not impacted, so I park on the street, and my wife’s car is in the driveway.

This is the first house I ever owned that even has a garage, so it never was much of a dilemma for me.

I probably don’t really qualify to answer this post, since…
I couldn’t give up the garage, which serves as an auto shop and welding/metalwork. (neither professionally, just my own stuff and for buddies) space even for a layout. And the above wouldn’t be a good environment for a layout with all the metal grinding dust, and such anyway. A car occupies the space for parking when there isn’t a project on the floor.

I currently have a nicely finished 9’4’’ x 11’4’’ room just off the garage for layout space, but am in the middle of building a new better 9’4’x 19’4’’ room, AWAY from the garage. The old layout room will be welcome additional shop space. Dan

There has not been A car in my garage in years, just " junk ". So I cleaned it out, now I can start my layout. I keep my truck and cars under two carports.


My wife gave up her spot in the garage and my layout now wraps around the walls and we moved a sofa and love seat out to the “train room” I insulated the door and the attic above and ran A/C and heat
so its a nice place to run trains and for the kids to play.
I also built a small board for my kids wooden brio train stuff.

so his layout and mine are together