I have one section of the new layout where my only option seems to be is using a photo backdrop. A small area 8 1/4" x 8’ along side my engine servicing area. I have probably enough backdrop buildings and flats to cover the entire length but what to do with the wall it’s self? I placed a couple of Walthers back drop scenes I had laying around just to get a visual on how it might look and even though the scenes are supposed to be HO scale they just seem over powering and draw too much attention to themselves. My question is it possible or has anyone tried using N scale photo backdrops with HO so as to give it some forced perspective? I may be asking too much but I just want something to fill a little of the wall behind the backdrop structures and not be too over powering. Any suggestion area appreciated.
Sure you can! Using smaller backdrops only makes it look further away. If you paint some trees and vegitation in front of the picture it will also make it look further in the distance. Here’s a picture of the Houston skyline that was cut from a magazine and pretty much N scale that I pasted to the wall. A few trees in front of it makes it look further away than it really is.
Chuck, That skyline looks great! Reminded me of the Chicago skyline on Bruce Carpenter’s HO BNSF Chillicothe Sub:
Not only forces perspective, but nails down the locale of a particular scene on a layout. Jamie
thanks for the reply thats exactly what I am trying to achieve. I figure if I put enough “stuff” in ront of it no one will give it a second look