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Former LGB trains executive dies in auto accident
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Former LGB trains executive dies in auto accident
Always sad to hear one of the cornerstone execs of a hobby railroad icon leave us. LGB has meant for many years quality. And it seems by the obit, Rolf was indeed a quality and diligent person. Prayers to his family and friends.
I am very saddened to hear of the death of Mr. Richter.
Without Rolf Richter, his father Wolfgang and uncle Eberhard, I wonder if there would be G-scale or large scale garden railroading today.
Good bye Rolf and thanks for everything
Bill Nesbitt
December 15,2009 Iwas not into large scale modeling until a month ago,and did not know Rolf, but from reading other’s comments I see we lost a great asset in our hobby. Sorry to read of his death.