Forum behavior

I have this notion that the toy train hobby was a happier place before the advent of internet forums. Why? Because forums – regardless of subject area – tend to draw people who always have to have the last word, people who are always right (whether they are or not), people who are always ready to point out minor errors made by others, and people who take pleasure at finding hot-button issues and trying to trigger an explosion.

Part of the toy train hobby is maintaining a child-like sense of wonder and excitement about the trains. That doesn’t mean we have to behave like 10 year olds.

You’ve all read the forum guidelines on politics, religion, and personal insults. There are plenty of places you can go to rant to your heart’s content on those subjects. Not here.

We’ve had an unusually high number of complaints this week about the behavior of some members of the forum. I suspect the trouble-makers know who they are. If you can’t govern your online behavior we can help by removing your access or requiring moderator approval for every post you make.

As I have written before, this is a place to welcome newcomers and share knowledge with each other – not give them the impression we are a bunch of crazy, bitter people who like sharing their sour disposition. Let’s try to stay positive and not let the jack wagons blow it for everyone.