Forum Expands...

When i enter the forum everything is as usual then everything expands to about 10 times the size. Is this something new or is it a glitch in my computer? It goes back to original size if you want to post. thanks

Must be a glitch on your end. Everything’s fine here.

I think that’s the loading time of the page. I notice the same thing at times. Afternoons for me usually yield longer loading times.

This happens while your computer is downloading varrious elements of the web page. It does not know how much space it needs until everything is downloaded. Pictures, ads and other elements of the web page come from diferent servers all across the country. Most photos that readers link to are much larger than the space that they will be allowed to occupy once the page is loaded. Photos of LION are 800 to 1000 pixels in size, and the forum specifies that they by about 600 pixels. The whole photo is downloaded by your browser, which tries to show it to you in all of its glory, but once everything is in place the borwser discovers that the web page designer has designated only 600 px for this picture, and it reduces it accordingly.

This is not an issue of the forum, or even of a particular computer/browser combination. but is more a function of your internet connection and how fast it can get each element to the browser. On computer of LION, a Barracuda Web Filter stands between our network and the internet. It smashes incoming ads to pieces, but the space alotted for them can remain large. In the previous forum used by MR this could be a problem where ads expanded to a larger size even though there was nothing to put in the box. The box did not resize because it did not know that it needed to, and as a result it left about 100 pixels for the forum text which was all smooshed to the left. This forum software does not seem to allow that.

Oh well: The page you see is always a creation of your web browser, and not that of the web site designer. It interprets the codeed instructions as best it can. The web is now running on HTML-5, and you may only have an HTML-3 browser, It will show things as best it can but it will come upon commands that it does not understand. It can also work the other way if you have an HTML-5 browser and the web site that you visit uses code that is no longer valid.


Works fine for me.

I use Firefox 25.0.1 Browser with Adblock Plus and Flashblock Add Ons.


In the tools section on your browsers tool bar, you might have to add the site to compatability setting to see it properly. I just had to do that now to view this site.

It seems I always have to do that when I get some updates to my system when I shut off my computor.

Try different browsers like Firefox or Chrome.
